Buyer’s Guide

Our Easy

Building Buying Process

Whether you’re expanding your space, setting up a new workshop, or in need of a sturdy structure, buying a metal building is a significant but rewarding investment. Here is our simple, step-by-step buying guide to help you get the metal building you always wanted:

buyers guide building

Select Your Building

Start your project by selecting the right building for your needs. Consider the style, size, type, and features that will best suit your requirements. You can choose from a wide range of metal buildings, including carports, garages, barns, custom buildings, commercial buildings, and more.

Place the Order

Once you've decided on the perfect design, it's time to place your order. Customize your structure as needed to ensure your metal building is the right fit for your needs.


Start your project by selecting the right building for your needs. Consider the style, size, type, and features that will best suit your requirements. You can choose from a wide range of metal buildings, including carports, garages, barns, custom buildings, commercial buildings, and more.

Don’t Forget to Prepare the Installation Site

Get your location ready for its new addition. This may involve clearing the land, preparing the foundation, and making certain adjustments to accommodate the structure.

Leave the Delivery and Installation to Us

Leave the heavy lifting to the experts. The team at American Metal Garages will handle the delivery and installation, ensuring your building is set up safely and correctly.


building instalation

Our Easy

Building Buying Process

concreate foundations

Prepare Your Site for

Metal Building Installation

customize features image


Types Explained

faq grid

Metal Building

Features You Can Customize

Helpful Resources

Layer rent to own

Rent-to-Own Buildings

Payment options to consider
before making a purchase.

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Metal Building Financing

Owning a metal building has
never been easier.

Group 170

Metal Building Articles

Everything you need to know
about steel buildings.

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